Global Investigations in Life Sciences: Strategies for Mitigating Risk and Ensuring Compliance

The life sciences and pharmaceutical industry faces unique challenges in managing compliance and navigating risks across borders. In this insightful webinar, sponsored by Control Risks,  we will delve into some of the most pressing issues impacting the sector today.

Our experts will explore:

  • Challenges in Cross-Border Compliance Investigations: Addressing complexities in regulatory requirements and managing multi-jurisdictional risks.
  • Combatting Counterfeiting, Theft, and Parallel Import: Strategies for investigations in high-risk jurisdictions.
  • Navigating Sanctions: Practical guidance for companies operating in increasingly regulated global markets.
  • Regulatory Developments and Enforcement Trends: Insights into anticipated government actions under the new US administration and their implications for compliance.

This session will provide actionable insights and practical strategies for investigators, compliance professionals, and risk managers to safeguard operations in this highly regulated and dynamic sector.






Ashu Sharma, ACi Executive Committee

Ashu Sharma

Ash Sharma has over 20 years’ experience in investigations and financial crime risk mitigation. Ash presently manages one of two global investigation hubs for Anglo American Plc, a global mining, minerals and extraction company.  His team conduct corporate ethics and compliance (including regulatory and financial crime) investigations. Ash has worked in the UK and Asia in regional and group roles for a global bank. There, he headed up an internal fraud risk, background vetting and investigation function, before leading and coordinating global significant investigations for the group.  Ash is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Financial Crime Specialist, and Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator.



Tristan Grimmer, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Tristan Grimmer

Tristan is a Partner at Baker McKenzie, advising clients on sanctions and export controls, anti-bribery and corruption and other corporate compliance risks. He provides compliance advice to clients across these risk areas, including in the context of complex cross-border transactions, as well as supporting clients in the management of related internal and external investigations. Tristan has advised clients in respect of investigations by the Serious Fraud Office, the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), the National Crime Agency, HM Revenue & Customs, and the Competition and Markets Authority, as well as in related investigations by overseas agencies, including the US Department of Justice and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). He also counsels clients in the design and implementation of their corporate compliance programmes. Tristan is the UK head of Baker McKenzie’s market leading international trade practice, which is ranked as Tier 1 by Legal 500 and Band 1 by Chambers UK. He is personally ranked as a Leading Individual for ‘Trade, WTO, Anti-dumping and Customs’ by Legal 500 and for ‘Sanctions’ by Chambers UK. He is the EMEA Chair of the firm’s Investigations, Compliance & Ethics practice.


Martina Rozumberkova, Principal, Control Risks

Martina Rozumberkova

Martina Rozumberkova is a Principal within Control Risks’ Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence practice in the Americas. She has over 17 years of experience assisting companies with fraud and forensic investigations as well as reviews, assessments, development and implementation of global compliance programs, and internal controls. She advises companies conducting investigations involving the FCPA and helps address regulatory actions with focused expertise assisting the life science industry. She has also led teams conducting regulatory mandated monitorships.



Whitney Potts, Head Global Security Investigations, Novartis International AG (Switzerland)

Whitney Potts

Whitney Potts is an accomplished and agile global risk, compliance and legal professional currently serving as the Deputy Head of Global Security and Head of Global Security Investigations at Novartis International. As the Global Security Head of Investigations for Novartis, Whitney oversees a team of expert investigators around the world who investigate allegations of high-risk misconduct and recommend remediation actions. Previously, she held senior roles including as Head of Ethics, Risk & Compliance as well as Head of Legal, Oncology for the region covering Asia, Middle East, Africa and China at Novartis Pharmaceuticals, where she was responsible for the legal and compliance aspects of region-wide strategies, programs and initiatives and developing and delivering the Ethics, Risk & Compliance program, supervising regional enterprise risk assessments (anti-bribery, third party), compliance audits, monitoring, and remediation of issues including those from internal investigations. Whitney is a Certified Fraud Examiner, licensed attorney and a graduate of Columbia Law School in New York.





Sponsored by

Banking Investigators Forum

Our third Banking Investigators Forum is hosted by Linklaters. The day will provide a variety of speakers and topical discussion points. There will be a networking lunch and drinks after the event.

The event is for the banking investigations community only.

Early bird tickets now on sale.

Click here to view the agenda.

Click here to view our speaker lineup.


Boom dos Canais de Denúncias

Boom dos Canais de Denúncias

Como responder ao aumento massivo dos relatos recebidos em canais éticos

  • Estatísticas e tendências
  • Entendimento das causas internas e externas
  • Benchmarking com o mercado
  • Recursos internos e externos
  • Novas legislações
  • Painel de discussão entre os profissionais





Dercio Carvalheda
Sócio Fundador da Carvalhêda Advocacia

Livia Correa
Association of Corporate Investigators

Queila Oliveira
RhI Magensita

Annual Symposium

The Association of Corporate Investigators is delighted to announce its 2022 one-day symposium on Thursday, 10th November 2022 in London. Our last Symposium event was held in 2019 so we are looking forward to bringing our investigations community back together for a day of learning, networking and sharing experiences.

This year, we are kindly hosted by Allen & Overy at their London offices. This year’s theme is ‘Every Detail Matters’. As investigators ourselves, we know how paying attention to the detail is vital in an investigation. So whether that be an understanding of the rules around legal privilege, or giving a whistleblower due care and attention, it’s the investigator’s job to conduct their enquiries legally, ethically and professionally.

We have designed our event with the same attention to detail to bring you an agenda that will inspire and inform – featuring topics such as Greenwashing and Conduct Investigations, E-Discovery, Crypto Investigations, Investigations Trends and Interviewing Techniques.
The day has been built with plenty of time for networking so that you can meet your investigations peers and discuss best practices.

As always places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Member In Person Ticket –  £99 GBP
Non-Member In Person Ticket –  £199 GBP

Registration closes 4pm, Monday 7th November.

This event is paperless. View the programme here.





Digital forensic and investigations – The Next Generation

Investigations have become more complex not only because of the nature of an investigation but also the technology used by the workforce. In this session sponsored by Deloitte, we will showcase how traditional and proactive digital forensic methodologies allows an investigator to identify, assess and report on core issues relevant to a matter.





Donna Thomson, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Forensic | Financial Advisory

Donna has over 25 years’ experience in accounting in Australia and the US, working within chartered accounting and federal law enforcement. Donna focuses on conducting Forensic Technology led investigations into fraud, corruption and misconduct, including bullying and sexual harassment in the private and public sector. Donna works with clients and legal counsel to conduct independent investigations, often involving senior executives and serious allegations. Donna utilises leading Forensic Technology tools to undertake investigations for civil or criminal proceedings. Donna also assists clients to undertake proactive risk management in the form of policy reviews and training for Whistleblowing and reporting management.


Paul Taylor, Partner, Deloitte Forensic | Financial Advisory

Paul is the National Digital Forensic Lead Partner in the Deloitte Forensic Technology team in Sydney; he has over 23 years of experience in digital forensic and electronic discovery working both in law enforcement and corporate settings. Paul specializes in managing electronic evidence matters in relation to investigations, litigation and regulatory response and is frequently called upon to produce written reports on his findings. He has testified as an expert witness in computer forensics in multiple jurisdictions and is often engaged as a court-appointed independent computer forensic expert. Paul has provided his services across many different industries such as financial services, life sciences, technology, telecommunications, retail, and government.


Adam Fairhurst, Partner, CurbyMcLintock | Forensic

Adam is the lead Partner for CurbyMcLintock in Brisbane, Australia. He has over 23 years’ experience in fraud risk and investigations including data analytics, Forensic Technology and electronic evidence. With a background in law enforcement, government and professional services at a National and Global level, Adam brings his experience to clients providing proactive compliance risk management solutions and reactive investigative and digital technology methodologies. Adam works directly with clients and legal counsel to conduct investigations including criminal, regulatory and administrative matters. He also assists corporate compliance teams with proactive discovery and data analytical approaches to identify trends and minimize potential wrongdoing or breaches. Adam provides clients with the ability to visualize disparate data sets in interactive dashboards enabling clients to drill down into the data to proactively identify potential issues and trends.



Jason Landers, ACi Regional Committee, APAC

With 19 years of practical investigations experience, Jason commenced his investigations career within law enforcement before transitioning into the corporate sector. His experience includes criminal, business integrity and governance-related matters along with anti-bribery and corruption investigations. Jason was the Investigations Lead – ASPAC for Rio Tinto. This position included responsibility for overseeing the company’s whistle-blower programme to ensure effective coordination of all resultant investigations across the Asia/Pacific region. To date, his experience has exposed him to investigations in Papua New Guinea, China, Mongolia, India, Singapore and Australia.


Webinar sponsored by

How a Digital Detective Approach can enhance your Investigation

In this webinar sponsored by Accuracy, we look at how a “digital detective” approach can be used to enhance your investigations with forensic information.

This event will be of interest to all investigators and will demonstrate how various forensic clues can be leveraged for investigative advantages.

Please join our panel as they discuss:

  • How can the digital detective approach enhance
  • What clues and red flags can be automatically extracted from suspects’ data?
  • How can these red flags for guilty behaviour (such as data deletion and evidence manipulation) be used to accelerate your investigation?
  • What other benefits can be obtained by integrating these clues into document reviews and investigations?




Darren Mullins – Partner, Forensic Technology
Darren Mullins, who is a Partner and Head of Forensic Technology for Accuracy in the Middle East, has 16 years of experience in the fields of Digital Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Fraud Analytics, and more recently Cyber Forensics and Incident Response.  Acting as an expert, he provides the understanding and insights into digital evidence uncovered during cyber and fraud-related investigations and disputes, delivering defensible solutions that take critical evidence from identification and preservation through to presentation and disclosure in the support of internal matters and litigation around the globe.  He has provided confidential expertise to clients operating in the Middle East region for over 10 years and has provided expert testimony in successful litigation and arbitration cases in the DIFC and UK. Prior to joining Accuracy, Darren was a Partner at KPMG Lower Gulf and led both Deloitte and EY’s Forensic Technology practices in the Middle East and he is a regular speaker and chair for industry and government-sponsored conferences in the UAE.

Rae Lawrie – Director, Forensics
Rae has over 26 years of professional investigation experience within both the public and private sectors. Rae started his career in 1994 at the UK Serious Fraud Office. He worked on numerous cases including BCCI, one of the largest banking frauds in the UK at that time. Rae is also a trained accountant and Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Prior to joining Accuracy in 2020, Rae gained extensive experience with KPMG and Deloitte in London before transferring to Deloitte’s MENA Forensic practice where he has spent the last ten years.  He has had leading roles in investigations brought by regulators including the DFSA and Central Banks in the GCC and also by the SFO and DOJ/SEC. Rae has provided forensic investigation and asset tracing services to corporate clients globally since 2004.  He is experienced in running all aspects of an investigation working closely and as part of multi-disciplinary teams with counsel, lawyers, accountants, law enforcement and financial investigators.

Steve Molloy – Director, Forensic Technology
Steve Molloy is a Director for Accuracy based in Milan, Italy. Steve has extensive experience in Digital Forensics, Electronic Discovery and the automation of forensic technology processes. Steve has supported investigations and litigation around the globe for multi-national organisations, as well as creating bespoke processes to handle massive data sets in the context of investigations. Steve was instrumental in building Accuracy’s Forensic Technology services in order to support their investigation and crisis services. Prior to joining Accuracy, Steve gained experience in the forensic technology teams at EY and Deloitte, where he worked on a broad spectrum of investigations including matters of intellectual property thefts, regulatory issues and compliance programs.
