Investigaciones Corporativas en Latinoamérica

La Asociación de Investigadores Corporativos (ACI) se complace en anunciar su primer evento para Latinoamérica para el día jueves 31 de marzo de 2022, el cual será auspiciado por Control Risks y desarrollará un marco general sobre las tendencias, casos más comunes y desafíos de las Investigaciones en el ámbito corporativo presentados en los diversos […]

Tools and Takeaways to Upskill your Investigations Practice 

April 6 2022 16:00 - 17:00 BST  11.00 - 12.00 EDT 08.00 - 09.00 PDT The nature of corporate communication is shifting, and that rate of change is accelerating—new channels and data types are continuously springing and it's becoming increasingly easy for it all to be recorded and archived… somewhere. But how do you target […]

Evidence Gathering in Middle East and Africa


On the ground in the MEA region: Evidence Gathering Challenges.  11.00 am - 12.00 pm London 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Nairobi 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm Dubai In this webinar sponsored by Ground Truth Intelligence, we explore the challenges faced by investigators running investigations based in the Middle East and Africa. Investigators running investigations […]

Assessing the appropriate response to increasing cyber risks


In an environment where modern cyber risk ranges from state-sponsored acts to amateurs licensing cyber tools, how do recent events such as the pandemic and the Ukraine conflict affect the risks, and what is the appropriate response for a business or individual?       Panel   Louie J. Freeh, Vice Chairman, AlixPartners Louie advises […]

Investigating Greenwashing


Investigating Greenwashing 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm London time Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investigations are taking center stage at the moment with climate change and sustainability foremost on all our minds. What is Greenwashing? How do you avoid it and what are the potential outcomes for organisations subject to Greenwashing investigations? This webinar will […]

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Investigations


  Changing technology, changing tactics: how the investigator can respond to the ever-evolving landscape of employee communications   Investigations routinely require the recovery and analysis of relevant electronic devices for evidence of activity and communications.  Those communications have long since migrated from corporate email, to a variety of encrypted messaging apps and beyond with data […]

Investigações corporativas: um olhar prático

Investigações corporativas: um olhar prático Março 28th, 9:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m (Brazil) Ao passo que a endemia de desvios de conduta intencionais é percebida e cada vez mais denunciada, as organizações precisam responder cada vez mais rápido, sofisticando seus processos de investigação. Precisamos elucidar mais casos com menos tempo e com os mesmos recursos." […]

Investigators and the new ‘Failure to Prevent Fraud’ Offence


Whether helping large organisations prepare reasonable procedures or leading investigations when things go wrong, corporate investigators will be heavily invested in the successful implementation of the pending UK corporate ‘failure to prevent fraud’ offence.* The offence will apply to UK-based large organisations as well as offshore large organisations with business and/or customers in the UK. […]

Banter, Harassment and Bullying Investigations


Have you seen complex investigations go wrong? Do you want to make sure your organisation safely addresses Bullying and Harassment cases? Does the phrase “it’s just banter” cause you to shudder? For investigators dealing with Bullying and Harassment cases, this terminology is all too common. Join us as we discuss the nuances of bullying and […]

Insurance Investigations: Trends and Challenges


Join our free webinar looking at the trends and challenges in Insurance Investigations. Sponsored by RPC we are looking at the evolving landscape of insurance fraud detection and investigation. We will discuss how technological advancements, changing regulatory environments, and emerging fraud schemes are shaping the field of insurance investigations across different regions. Key topics will […]

Traversing Generative AI: Transforming the Length and Breadth of Investigations and Legal Workflows


A free webinar exploring how generative AI can help investigators save time reviewing documents, speeding up the investigative and legal process.     Investigators are currently forced to spend inordinate amounts of time navigating data challenges instead of focusing on their core areas of expertise. Legal and investigation professionals are engaged in a constant struggle […]

OSINT: A Game Changer for the Corporate Investigator’s Toolkit


Join our free webinar to discuss all things OSINT! Sponsored by Tadaweb, we will be looking at the evolving landscape of OSINT in corporate investigations, how OSINT platforms can distil large data sets into actionable intelligence, and the role of automation and AI in OSINT. We will also discuss the legal boundaries in OSINT and […]