Join our three-module course this September

Whistleblowing investigation programmes: How to make sure you are identifying and responding effectively to employee concerns.
Never has it been more important to listen to employees. A whistleblowing or speak up programme can be a vital tool in understanding what is happening in your company, identifying misconduct and improving risk management. Get it right by investigating allegations quickly and effectively, and you provide confidence to employees, the board and other key stakeholders. Get it wrong and it can create an atmosphere of mistrust and lack of transparency.
Join our whistleblowing training sessions to understand recent and upcoming changes in legislation, how to practically improve your whistleblowing investigation programme and how to make the most of data to measure the effectiveness of your whistleblowing programme and identify key risk areas.
The modules take place online on the 29th of September, 6th of October and 13th of October. For all the details see our course page.