Introduction from our CEO
The ACi now enters its second full year of existence and 2020 promises to be the most exciting in terms of events and engagement with the corporate investigations community. The executive committee takes a long-term view to build this association, staying true to the principle that associations exist for the benefit of their members. As such ‘listening’ remains our key focus. Equally, we know many disciplines undertake investigations of numerous different types, and many are not full-time investigators, as such we are equally committed to ensuring we are ‘all inclusive’. As we move forward in 2020 this is an excellent opportunity for me to thank all our partners, sponsors and affiliates - too many to mention - who make it all possible. It’s equally an appropriate point for me to thank my colleagues on the executive committee and management team whose commitment never waivers - thank you.
I hope you can attend one or more of our events in 2020 and should you wish to get involved please do not hesitate to reach out.