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In this edition

• Introduction from the CEO. 
• Plans to launch further investigation capability surveys.
• Search for a chief financial officer to join the ACi Executive Committee.
• ACi events in 2020. 
• Our support for other events with corporate investigation topics.
• Our infrastructure build and membership, progress update. 
• The Investigations Innovation Working Group (IIWG).    

Introduction from our CEO

The ACi now enters its second full year of existence and 2020 promises to be the most exciting in terms of events and engagement with the corporate investigations community. The executive committee takes a long-term view to build this association, staying true to the principle that associations exist for the benefit of their members. As such ‘listening’ remains our key focus. Equally, we know many disciplines undertake investigations of numerous different types, and many are not full-time investigators, as such we are equally committed to ensuring we are ‘all inclusive’. As we move forward in 2020 this is an excellent opportunity for me to thank all our partners, sponsors and affiliates - too many to mention - who make it all possible. It’s equally an appropriate point for me to thank my colleagues on the executive committee and management team whose commitment never waivers - thank you.
I hope you can attend one or more of our events in 2020 and should you wish to get involved please do not hesitate to reach out.

Plans to launch further investigations capability surveys

We are pleased to continue our partnership with Deloitte to launch two further investigation capability surveys in 2020. In the UK our thanks go to Jules Colborne-Baber, a Partner with Deloitte Forensics, and in Switzerland to Nic Carrington, a Partner with Deloitte Financial Advisory, for leading on these important surveys. During 2020 we will launch a Swiss-specific investigations capability survey to  measure corporate investigations capabilities in Switzerland. 

We are seeking a CFO

The ACi is currently seeking a chief financial officer to join the executive committee. This is a strategic role to lead on the association’s financial strategy over the coming years. Please note this position is pro bono and will add extra work to what is likely to be an already extremely busy job. For further information click here.
Membership Platform development
Work continues on building our association management platform to support a future membership launch. This work represents a significant investment in building a secure website and platform for managing members' data,  subscription payments, events, and education and training. Further information will follow in due course on this important aspect of building the association.  


ACi launches in Dublin with a corporate crime event

Registration is now open for our first event in Dublin. The ACi is delighted to be participating in a half-day investigations and financial crime conference hosted by Mason Hayes Curran on Thursday 26th March 2020 at the Westin Hotel, Dublin.
We are grateful to Liam Guidera, Partner, and Muireann Dennehy, Partner, at Mason, Hayes & Curran, for the opportunity to participate in this Dublin conference.  

ACi Workshops in 2020

#Me Too Investigations Workshop - London
Following the success of the #MeToo panel session at the ACi 2019 annual symposium, we are pleased to confirm a half-day workshop sponsored by Kinsley Napley to be held on Thursday 14th May 2020. For details, click here.
Immersive Workshop - ZURICH, Switzerland

Our immersive workshop in Zurich is confirmed for Thursday 7th May 2020 and is kindly hosted by LALIVE and supported by Control Risks. Registration for this workshop is now open via this link
Register for the GIR Live London event with a 10% discount using code Z6HH8FQ In house investigators are free of charge. Register at

More ACi Events coming soon

ACi will be hosting more training and networking events in 2020 in:
Isle of Man, UK
Basel, Switzerland
Brisbane, Australia
For details check our web site here

Annual Symposium - save the date

The 2020 ACi annual symposium will be held on Thursday 19th November.  This year’s event is kindly hosted by Allen & Overy at 1 Bishops Square, London, E1 6AD. Please hold the date further details and registration will be released soon.


An introduction to the ACi Investigations Innovation Working Group (IIWG)

The IIWG is an important addition to ACi’s efforts to be at the forefront of innovative thinking for the benefit of our members. Quite simply the purpose of the IIWG is to: 
• Advise the ACi Executive Committee (and Board as appropriate) on strategic opportunities that innovations may bring to achieving our vision.
• Introduce to the ACi members the technological trends and advancements that may impact the profession
In Q3 2019 our CTO and COO developed ‘Terms of Reference’ and met with a small number of technology providers to explore areas of mutual interest.  Given the relative infancy of the ACi, the consensus was for a small number of foundational but practical outputs for the ACi as an organisation and for members in their individual capacities. 
As well as reviewing our Code of Conduct for ACi members (important as we near the launch of our formal membership platform), the IIWG will be setting up a small working group to develop a ‘Code of Practice for Open Source Investigations’. Finally, to help inform the IIWG’s future working, we are supporting our colleagues in Deloitte to further explore members’ views on technology as a specific topic in the 2020 Deloitte & ACi capability survey.
Call to notice: we are actively seeking members from any background who may have an interest in supporting this work.  Please contact Vanessa Nigro at or Crawford Robinson at


Getting Involved

We are always aware that associations are run for the benefit of their members and community - as such, should you wish to get involved and assist build the association, please do not hesitate to get in touch via Kate Winter our General Manager via  Remember if you are on LinkedIn please feel free to ‘connect’ with our LinkedIn page and our Linkedin Group.
Copyright © 2020 ACi. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Kemp House, 152-160 City Road  London

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